Crucial piece of information on Chlamydia

Chlamydia is a very common sexually transmitted disease so much that it is more common than syphilis and gonorrhoea. Chlamydia trachomatis is the bacterium that causes the disease and it ends up damaging the female reproductive organs. This infection is passed during sexual contact mostly vaginal and anal sexual contact but there are also risks of infection from oral sex.

What is most serious about chlamydia is that symptoms are usually mild or absent and hence it is possible for many people to transmit it without knowing. It can lead to serious complications some of which cause damage that is irreversible such as infertility. By the time the symptoms start to show the damage is already done and it is therefore advisable to get tested for chlamydia from time to time so you can get relevant treatment or have peace of mind that all is well.

Symptoms of Chlamydia

Even though a large number of people do not experience any symptoms when they are infected with chlamydia, those who do experience the symptoms might notice some of the following signs a few days after they get infected.

Symptoms of chlamydia in women

Symptoms of chlamydia in men

  • Milky or watery or pus from the penis
  • Burning sensation or pain when urinating
  • Tender or swollen testicles
  • Anal swelling

Chlamydia can also affect the eyes causing itching and redness or the throat causing soreness. Usually chlamydia symptoms appear during morning hours especially for men and could be mild hence making it harder for people to realise that they are infected.

Chlamydia complications

When left untreated for a very long time, this infection can cause serious health issues. Pelvic inflammatory disease and epididymitis both leading to infertility in women and men respectively are some of the serious complications.

Considering that the symptoms are mostly absent, it helps that you take the initiative of getting tested so that you can get the relevant treatment. You can consult your healthcare provider to get the test done or visit reliable STD testing facility. Cell samples from the anus, urethra, penis and cervix are taken using a swab for testing and you may also have a urine test.

Treatment of Chlamydia

The good news about chlamydia is that it can be treated. After you get treated and diagnosed with the infection, you are most likely going to be prescribed antibiotics. The treatment advice you get will determine how many doses you take with some requiring only one dose and others up to seven doses. It is important to have you sexual partner or partners treated as well before you go back into having sex. Your healthcare provider may recommend a retest after a few months and it is best that you ensure you get retested as a simple way of confirming that the treatment was a success. Treatment might be continued in case the results are not effective.

Reducing Infection

To reduce the chances of infection, it is very important to abstain from sex or use a condom especially if you do not have one stable sexual partner. There are female condoms today that women can use to reduce infection. It is also advisable to alert all your partners in case you have tested positive for chlamydia so they can get the necessary treatment before you engage in sex again and to avoid chances of them infecting others. It is also advisable to get regular checkups for this sexually transmitted disease and to reduce your number of partners so you can reduce the risks of infection.

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